Ozge Yilmaz, MD, Professor
School of Medicine
Department of Pediatrics
Manisa Celal Bayar University
Manisa, Turkey
Do you think Dr. Yilmaz:
- Is very organized, adheres to the timelines and action plans she develops?
- Enjoys spending time with her patients and other children; she thinks a pediatrician shall make the examination as less distressing as possible for the child?
- Is very relaxed and not stressed over deadlines or being overloaded with work?
- Give us your “elevator pitch biography.
I graduated from Izmir American Collegiate Institute and Hacettepe University School of Medicine. I received my MD degree in 2001 and completed my pediatric residency and pediatric allergy fellowship in 2007 and 2011 at Celal Bayar University School of Medicine. I am an active member of many international and national medical societies, including but not limited to the American Thoracic Society and the European Respiratory Society. I am proud to be the co-coordinator of American Thoracic Society Methods in Epidemiologic Clinical and Operations Research (MECOR) Program-Turkiye which I think changed my life as a researcher. I am the Chair of the Pediatrics Department of my university. I received the “Young researcher” award of the Turkish Thoracic Society in 2015 and MECOR research award in 2011. My areas of research interest are pediatric asthma and wheezing, especially the socio-psychological aspects of these diseases.
- What would you tell yourself as an Early Career Professional?
Working hard for a specific aim always reaches the goal. Stick to your ideals and morals, they are the roots of success. Believe in yourself.
- If you weren’t in medicine, and were in a different industry altogether, what would you be?
I would be a clinical psychologist.
- What is your favorite way to spend a day off?
Alone at the beach with a good novel to read and nice sea to swim in.
- What areas of medicine are you most excited to see develop?
I think development of personalized medicine and individualized treatments is very exciting. This is linked to development of genetic diagnosis and treatments. Another component of individualized treatment is considering the sociodemographic background of the pediatric patient in the wholistic approach.
- What is one advancement in your field you’d like to see in your career?
I would like to see molecular prediction of future diseases advance. This would allow pre-emptive treatment for many of the diseases from the childhood on.
- Which statement did you make up?
I am very relaxed and not stressed over deadlines or being overloaded with work.