Editor Search Announcement
The American Thoracic Society has opened the search for the next editor of the Annals of the American Thoracic Society (AnnalsATS), a peer-reviewed, monthly publication; John Hansen-Flaschen has been serving as editor since April 2012. It is anticipated that the editor will be named for a five-year term that starts April 1, 2017. The Search Committee is seeking candidates with editorial experience and a distinguished research background in respiratory medicine. Letters of interest, including a statement of plans for the editorship, and curriculum vitae should be submitted by Oct. 14 to: Rolf D. Hubmayr, MD, chairman of the Journal Editor Search Committee. Candidates can contact Dr. Hubmayr (rhubmayr@mayo.edu) and copy ATS Journals Chief Diane Gern (dgern@thoracic.org).
Improved Journals Experience
ReadCube is a desktop and browser-based program for managing, annotating, and accessing academic research articles. ReadCube also allows users to enhance eligible PDF files with both the browser-based and desktop application. Once enhanced, articles have interactive citations, integrated authorial information, and access to stored supplements. Additionally, users can highlight sections of documents and write notes saved within the client. Install the app now for iOS, Android, and Kindle.
Relative Citation Ratio is a new citation-based measure of article influence. The key concept behind RCR is to base an article-level metric on the relevant scientific network, not on a journal. It was designed to address some of the shortcomings of more standard citation number and journal impact factor measures. It does this by normalizing an article’s citation number to time since publication and the field in which it was published. RCR was developed by the Office for Portfolio Analysis at the National Institutes of Health.
This Week: Cystic Fibrosis Week
Now through Aug. 27, the ATS Public Advisory Roundtable, along with PAR Partner the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, will recognize patients and families with the disease, and provide various patient and provider resources. Learn more from our experts, and be sure to register for the webinar at 11 a.m. ET, Thursday, Aug. 25.