HomeWashington Letter2014 ▶ ATS Comments on Proposed Hospital Outpatients Prospective Payment System Rule
ATS Comments on Proposed Hospital Outpatients Prospective Payment System Rule

September 2014

The ATS submitted comments on CMS's proposed hospital outpatient prospective payment system rule. The primary issue the ATS raised in the comments was opposition to CMS's proposal to change the ambulatory payment classification for G0239 (respiratory therapy, group 15 minutes). The ATS noted, with some frustration, that CMS's proposal to change the ambulatory payment classification for G0239 was offered without explanation, did not seem to be supported by publicly available data and would severely hurt hospital-based pulmonary rehabilitation programs.

If CMS proceeds with their proposal, the reimbursement for G0239 will be cut by $10.78 or -27%.

CMS is expected to publish the final rule sometime in November or December of 2014. Once the rule is finalized, the ATS will provide a summary of key policy and payment changes for pulmonary, critical care and sleep providers.

Last Reviewed: October 2017