January 2014
The tobacco control community is poised for two big events, including next week's 50th anniversary of the U.S. Surgeon General's report on tobacco. That report was a seminal event in the medical and public health community's campaign against tobacco disease and addiction. A 50th anniversary report will be released next week and several prominent medical journals will publish accompanying articles regard tobacco control.
The second event the community is poised for is the release of FDA rules to extend its regulatory authority over all tobacco products, including e-cigarettes. Currently, FDA regulates cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and chew tobacco, but has not yet extended its regulatory authority over other products such as cigars and e-cigarettes. FDA is expected to release its proposed rule deeming authority over these products in the near future. Once the proposed rule is released, the public will have an opportunity to comment.
The ATS strongly encourages FDA to move quickly to exert its regulatory authority over all tobacco products and will forcefully make the case for a strong rule in the public comment period.