HomeWashington Letter2015 ▶ ATS Urges EPA to Adopt More Protective Ozone Standard of 60 ppb
ATS Urges EPA to Adopt More Protective Ozone Standard of 60 ppb

January 2015

This week, ATS staff member Gary Ewart, testified at an EPA field hearing in Washington D.C. urging EPA to adopt a more protective national ambient air quality standard for ozone of 60 ppb. EPA is currently in the process of revising the current standard of 75 ppb – established in 2007 – and is considering a stricter standard between 60 and 70 ppb. In his comments, Mr. Ewart noted that research from epidemiology, chamber studies and natural experiments have all shown that exposure to ozone at the current level of 75 ppb is bad for human health. The available evidence best supports a revised standard of 60 ppb.

EPA is holding a series of field hearings in Washington D.C., Arlington TX, and Sacramento CA to gather public input on the proposed ozone standard stand. Dr. Gibbe Parsons will testify on behalf of the ATS during next week's Sacramento hearing.

EPA will issue its final ozone standard later this year.

Last Reviewed: October 2017