June 2017
The ATS urges members to contact their two senators this week before the Senate begins voting on an Affordable Care Act repeal and replace bill, expected the last week of June.
As physicians who treat patients with serious respiratory illnesses such as COPD and asthma who need continuous access to affordable health coverage, ATS members should be engaged in this critical debate. The ATS is deeply concerned that Senate Republicans are drafting health reform legislation that will affect all Americans and may cause millions of Americans to lose their health insurance in secret with no committee hearings or votes.
At this crucial time, it is important to reach out to the two Senators from your state to educate them about unique challenges faced by people with respiratory conditions such as asthma and COPD, and ask for their support in maintaining affordable health insurance with patient protections in the Senate healthcare reform bill. The House-passed American Health Care Act (AHCA) removed many existing patient protections.
Click here to call or email your members of Congress