HomeWashington Letter2017 ▶ Meet your Congressional Delegation in DC!
Meet your Congressional Delegation in DC!

March 2017

Register for the ATS Hill Day in DC – Tuesday, May 23, 7:30 – 11:45 a.m.

The ATS will provide U.S. ATS members with the opportunity to meet with offices of their Congressional delegation to advocate for respiratory health.  Participants should arrive at 7:30 a.m. SHARP for an advocacy training and briefing on issues that ATS members will advocate for such as research funding, tobacco control, and clean air.  Following the morning briefing, members will take a bus from the Washington, DC, Convention Center to Capitol Hill where they will have scheduled meetings with their members of Congress or their staff.  At the end of the meetings members will return to the ATS conference via metro or taxi.

Registered members will be sent legislative issue information in advance via email and additionally, ATS DC office staff will hold conference calls with registrants in advance of the ATS International Conference.  ATS members from the same state will be placed together on teams. Where possible, ATS members will be teamed with other ATS members who have experience in meeting with members of Congress. 

A light breakfast will be served at the opening briefing.

Open to U.S. ATS members only.

Registration deadline is April 10, 2017.

Last Reviewed: October 2017