Congress Passes One-Week Funding Extension – Continues Work on FY23 Funding Bill
This week, Congress passed and the President is expected to sign a one-week funding bill, giving Congress more time to complete work on year-long funding for all federal operations. This is an important legislative issue, with fiscal year 2023 funding being top of the list.
How Congress resolves the FY23 funding situation has a significant impact on funding for federal research programs, as well as other federal health programs. While the House and Senate have not yet completed work on all appropriations bills, those measure that did clear their respective chambers included significant increases for federal research programs including NIH, CDC, EPA and VA.
The ATS will continue to urge Congress to enact funding legislation that provides increases for essential federal research and public health programs. The ATS has joined several coalition letters to Congressional leadership supporting specific funding requests for programs like NIH, CDC, VA.
Last Reviewed: December 2022