President Biden Releases Proposed FY23 Budget

This week, President Biden submitted the fiscal year 2023 budget proposal to Congress, kicking off the annual Congressional efforts to pass federal spending bills. The President’s budget includes increases for major research and public health programs, including NIH, CDC, and the VA Medical and Prosthetics Research program. Attention now turns to leaders in Congress who will use the President’s budget priorities as a starting point for negotiations over the FY23 spending bills.


For NIH, please note that while Institutes like NIAID and NCI are proposed to receive a cut in FY23 funding, both Institutes received significant bolus of funds in FY22, NCI for the cancer moonshot initiative and NIAID for COVID-19 research, that make comparisons to FY22 spending somewhat atypical.


Of special note is the proposed increase of $4 billion for the nascent Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health or ARPA-H. This new program was proposed by President Biden in the FY22 budget and was recently approved by Congress with a $1 billion budget, but Congress left to Health and Human Secretary Becerra to decide if the new entity will be an independent agency or new institute at NIH. Decisions on structure and location are expected by April 16, 2022.


The ATS Washington Office will continue to advocate with Congress and the Administration for increased funding for federal research and public health programs that address pulmonary, critical care and sleep health.

National Institutes of Health
(selected Institutes)


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22


$3.82 billion

+ $14 million


$6.27 billion

- $54 million


$6.71 billion

- $199 million


$199 million

+ $18 million


$660 million

+$201 million


$932 million

+$90 million


$5 billion

+ $4 billion

NIH Total

$48.96 billion

+$4.31 billion

Advance Research Projects Agency - Health


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22


$5.0 billion

+$4.0 billion


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
(selected programs)


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22

Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion

$1.6 billion

+$274 million

Chronic Disease Education and Awareness

$1.5 million

- $1.5 million


$30 million

-$0.5 million


$345 million

-$7 million

HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, Sexually Transmitted Infection and Tuberculosis

$1.5 billion

+ $126 million



$135 million

Level funded

Environmental Health

$402 million

+$174 million

Climate and Health Program

$110 million

+$100 million

CDC Total

$9.71 billion

+$2.13 billion

Environmental Protection Agency


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22

EPA Total

$11.881 billion

+$2.32 billion

VA Research Program


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22

VA Medical and Prosthetics Research Program Total

$916 million

+$34 million

Department of State/Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and 


FY23 Proposed

Change over FY22

DEPARTMENT OF STATE/Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria

$2 billion

+ $440 million


*The charts show the funding requests for ATS priorities and the requested funding for each entire agency.

Last Reviewed: June 2022