HomeWashington Letter2024 ▶ ATS Goes to Capitol Hill in Support of FY25 Research Funding
ATS Goes to Capitol Hill in Support of FY25 Research Funding

Even as Congress was struggling to finish work on FY24 spending levels, the ATS was up on Capitol Hill advocating for FY25 programs.  This week, several ATS members and colleagues from the ATS Patient Advisory Roundtable went to Capitol Hill, virtually, to tell Congress to support federal research and public health funding at the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.  ATS members and patients drew upon their personal experience to demonstrate the essential value of federal investments in NIH research funding and public health programs at CDC.  The meetings were timed to help shape Congressional funding decisions for the fiscal year 2025 budget.

In addition to research and public health funding, ATS advocates also called for Congress to support legislation – the END TB Now Act (S. 288/H.R. 1776) to reauthorize and expand CDC’s international TB control programs.  ATS advocates noted that controlling TB globally is essential to improving TB control efforts in the U.S. 

Further, ATS advocates also urged Congress to support legislation – the Supplemental Oxygen Access Reform Act (S. 3821) to reform the Medicare supplemental oxygen benefit.  ATS members and patients shared examples of how access to portable and high flow oxygen systems and support services to maintain oxygen systems have dwindled under Medicare’s current reimbursement system. 

“I look forward to ATS Hill Day every year because it affords an opportunity to reconnect with people I’ve worked with previously and develop new relationships with congressional staff,” said Stuart Sweet, MD, chair of the ATS Health Policy Committee. "this year was no different, and I was lucky to be able to take the opportunity while in DC for another reason to make some of my visits in person. Congressional staff were accessible and receptive to addressing TB control,  addressing Medicare supplemental oxygen coverage gaps and supporting NIH and CDC funding to prevent, treat and cure respiratory diseases.  Thanks to all the ATS members and partners who contributed to another successful, ATS Hill Day!”

Last Reviewed: March 2024